OHATS (Organizational History and Tracking System) for T/MC !!

OHATS (Organizational History and Tracking System) is an organized and systematic way for a group, program or network of community organizations to record, observe, analyze and report contributions and key events that influence progress toward its mission and goals. For example, one can use OHATS to track accomplishments and results, organizational procedures, lessons and best practices, critical external events that influence the work, and service delivery details and statistics.

The idea behind OHATS is simple and proven throughout history: if a community group tracks actions, events, lessons and results important to their success then they can learn from them and be more successful.

Since 2000 the Tutor/Mentor Connection has been developing a documentation system to create a better understanding of what it is accomplishing, and a tool for process improvement. Read more about this at Tutor/Mentor Institute-OHATS

  • August 2018 - OHATS still not opening to log in page where data entry can be done; report pages also not working. New problem is that Adobe Flash no longer works, so the charts on the site no longer work either. The PDFs below show how these were originally intended to work.
  • OHATS is hosted on the Program Locator server at Brinkster, and the SQL database that feeds graphics on the site is not working due to interface problem with new Cloud Server. The log in page is also not working, so cannot log in and add new entries, or download data. Seeking help to fix.
  • Dan Bassill has been the primary recorder for 14 years and there are more than 1700 actions documented
  • no money to make upgrades; thus technology improvements that have been needed since 2009 are not being made
  • tech company that created OHATS in 2007 has disbanded, thus tech updates will be more difficult
  • we have not had a research partner since Steve Roussos created OHATS in 2000, thus no one is using the data to create reports that show the growth and impact of the T/MC and the challenges we seek to overcome
  • while the new version of OHATS solves many of the issues of the previous version we don't have the manpower to teach others to use it and since we cannot demonstrate that anyone is viewing OHATS and making funding decisions because of it we can't motivate our own staff and board to use it.

The T/MC OHATS is now only available as an archive. The Tutor/Mentor Connection began building its on-line organizational history and tracking system (OHATS) in 2000. It was created and launched in 1999-2000 with a $15,000 grant, but has been maintained since then by volunteers, with minimal technology upgrades to avoid spam and make it more useful to users. In August of 2007 Ganesh Mahalingam, a volunteer from Baltimore, MD, offered time and talent to help take OHATS to the next level. The new version of T/MC OHATS was on line and being used from 2009 to 2013.

Since the data entry fields of the new version are no longer accessible, even in the archive, the 2001 version is a good way to understand more about what we were trying to build.

View the 2001 version of OHATS T/MC. Then read this [PDF document to see how we have intended to summarize and share the information in the OHATS T/MC.

View this video to learn more about OHATS. Visit this group to help build the OHATS and create better understanding of what it is telling us.

Why are we doing this? Look at the action mapping, results mapping links at: [www.tutormentorconnection.org | http://www.tutormentorconnection.org/TMLearningNetwork/LinksLibrary/tabid/560/rrcid/13/rrscid/28/rrpid/1/rrepp/20/Default.aspx]

PROGRESS, OCT. 2007 !!
In June 2007, Ganesh Mahalingam, a new volunteer from Baltimore, with a tech company in India, joined the T/MC, and has worked with Dan Bassill and Steve Roussos, to upgrade OHATS. Much progress has been made and the site. You can log in and view progress on this site, using the user name/password of guest/visitor. Once the site goes live we'll change this, and each recorder will have his/her own username and password. On Oct 13 Steve Roussos, Dan Bassill and Ganesh reviewed this progress and agreed to a variety of next steps. Some can be done by Ganesh and Dan on a volunteer basis. Some cannot be done unless funding is found for the time Ganesh needs to spend on this, or the T/MC Steve, or T/MC need to have for people to do this. I've listed the items discussed, please add your own thoughts, then let's make this a reality

PROGRESS, MAY. 2008 !!
T/MC OHATS is now hosted at http://www.tutormentorprogramlocator.net/OHATS/home.aspx (moved to current location in 2009) . From the Metrics pages a link points to a discussion for each metric, hosted at http://tutormentorconnection.ning.com . These discussions provide more information related to each metric, and enable us to talk about what additional enhancements need to be taken. Thank you Ganesh for the great work you've done on this.

The bottom graphic on the metrics page is not displaying properly.

Future changes !!
What are other things we'd like to do with OHATS T/MC? What is the costs of continued work from Ganesh and Steve, and of the maintenance, marketing and analysis of the information we are collecting? This section should provide this information, and should be used in future funding proposals.

new search fields?

staff & technical support?

link of data with GIS maps?

analysis and dissemination?

training of users?

communications and training!!

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